Here at Aura Casting we support all aspects of filmmaking in our series “What does a…” we’ll be breaking down the basics of different elements of film production. 

So today, we’re breaking down the basics of what a Script Supervisor does.

A script supervisor can be an overlooked role in video production, but that does not mean it’s an unimportant role. Script supervisors play a crucial role on a set, they ensure a production runs smoothly and consistent with the script. Keep reading below to learn more of their key responsibilities.

  1. Continuity Management:

    1. They are in charge of monitoring details in shots remain consistent throughout takes. Tracking details with props, costume, blocking, hair and makeup and more. They make sure scenes are remaining consistent from shot to shot.

  2. Script Notes:

    1. While monitoring the scenes, they are keeping detailed notes on each take on the script. They are in charge of keeping track of how different elements like inflection, dialogue and prop use affect the narrative. This then goes to editors to help them make sense of the different takes and log them correctly. 

  3. Timing and Scheduling:

    1. Included in the script notes are notes on timing of scenes. Noting if they go long, or under planned time. They use thus to work with the assistant directors to keep shooting on schedule or to adjust the schedule.

  4. Communication:

    1. A script supervisor can be in communication with the director, actors, assistant directors, art department and editors all at once. It is their job to ensure that everyone is on the same communication for script adjustments, changes and continuity issues.

Overall, script supervisors are a key element to a smooth shoot and avoiding continuity issues. 

Ready to take your production to the next level? While we aren’t on set for your shoot, we can ensure that the cast is right. Reach out to us today to learn more.

Written by Lauren Ulveling


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