“What makes something you want to watch,” casting director Taylor Lambert asked on a “self-tape workshop” zoom Tuesday, August 13th, hosted by Aura Casting.

Our team of casting directors, Taylor Lambert and Emily Parsons sat down with over 50 actors to discuss self-tapes, virtual auditions, and everything in between. 

Lambert discussed the core of what a self-tape should be, a showcase of an actor’s talent. 

“You want to make the casting team want to have popcorn and drink a soda pop when you’re watching the audition. It’s that good. It’s like that much of a work of art like you’re in the movie theater. It’s [the audition] so good we rewatch them over and over just for fun, it’s a great experience,” Lambert said.

Lambert also shared how casting is making informed decisions after another. The process starts while working with clients to gain an understanding of what and who they are looking for. But the bulk of making informed decisions comes while watching the self-tapes submitted by actors. Using information given in self-tapes, headshots, and actor notes allows casting professionals to make decisions based on information gathered and inferred. 

Inferred information can come from past knowledge of an actor’s work or familiarity with the actor. 

“If you’re continually bringing the goods, that’s going to be remembered, and sometimes when we have a casting, we know exactly who to cast without even seeing their tapes,” Lambert shared. 

Parsons also spoke on why it’s important for actors to continue to show up their best for every audition. 

“The more that we know you, that gives us a library of you. When a producer asks us for our opinion, we know that they always deliver on time, we know that they always have a good performance, whether you’ve booked with us yet or not, the more that you can send us great work the better, we’re rooting for you,” Parsons said. 

The duo also discussed while every casting director works differently, at the end of the day, casting directors want to see actors succeed. 

“[Actor’s hard work] It’s being recognized and you’re being seen,” said Lambert. 

To attend our next zoom workshop, follow us on our social media accounts! We hope to see you at our next workshop!

Written by Lauren Ulveling


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