What is a Cinematographer?

Here at Aura Casting, we support all aspects of filmmaking in our new series “What does a…” we’ll be breaking down the basics of different elements of film production. 

So today, we’re breaking down the basics of what a cinematographer does.

A cinematographer, also known as the director of photography, is responsible for the visual aspects of video production, with a focus on the camera work, and the cinematography. Keep reading the list below to review the responsibilities of a cinematographer.

  1. Working with Others

    1. The cinematographer works with the directors to gain an understanding of the visual ideas and to interpret the script. In basic terms, a cinematographer translates what a director sees in their head to something visual behind a camera lens. Cinematographers will also work with production designers, costume designers, gaffers and more to make cohesive visuals.

  2. Camera Knowledge 

    1. A cinematographer will likely choose the camera equipment and lenses that will achieve the desired look of the film. They will also understand what angles and movements to use.

  3. Shot Composition

    1. The frame, depth, color, texture and movement in each frame is also up to the cinematographer.

  4. Lighting

    1. Design and control of light to achieve a certain mood, visual style and atmosphere involves selecting lighting equipment, hues and shades of light, shadows and the position of light.

This is just a basis of what a cinematographer does but they are many more elements that go into a cinematographer’s job.

Ready to take your production to the next level? While we can’t shoot your project, we can cast it! Reach out to us today to learn more.

Written by Lauren Ulveling 


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