how to fundraise for a film

Filmmaking can be a great form of artistic expression, it can also be expensive.

Many filmmakers have used “shoestring” budgets and have had too fundraise to make their films possible. 

At Aura Casting, we love supporting film makers in the casting process of their films. But today we’ve made a list of some of the ways you can financially plan for a film. 

  1. Create a Pitch

    • Pitching is your way of “selling” people on your film. Getting support on a film can be in financial means. Having a well done pitch that includes your vision, a script synopsis, budget breakdown, concept art and inspiration pieces can help translate your film’s success to people that may be able to financially support it. 

  2. Crowdfunding

    • Crowdfunding with websites like Kickstarter, Indiegogo and/or GoFundMe allow you to raise money from people all over the work who want to support your project. You could also include your pitch materials here! 

  3. Grants and Fellowships

    • Applying for grants and/or fellowships is a great way to receive funding and support from film commissions, art organizations, government bodies and/or local art groups. You can search specifically for organizations that align with the film’s message and/or filmmakers identities and/or beliefs behind the film. 

  4. Film Festivals

    • Some film festivals offer monetary prizes for placing. While the money may come after the film is concluded, it’s a good way to raise money for your next project!

  5. Hosting Fundraising Events.

    • Hosting a screening with a donation bin or selling merchandise, themed parties, or galas to raise money and excitement for your film. 

These are just some of the ways you can gain financial support for a film but certainly not the only way. 

When looking for how to cast your film, we’re your people, reach out to us today to learn more about our casting services

Written by Lauren Ulveling 


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