Animal Actors

Here at Aura Casting, we love working with talent of all kinds and we know first hand that talent can come from anyone, even animals.

Keep reading to learn more about some of Hollywood’s most famous furry friends.

  • Rin Tin Tin

    • German shepherd rescued from France in World War I in 1918 by American soldier Leee Duncan. Duncan trained Rin Tin Tin to be a silent film star. Rin started in 27 films gaining worldwide fame, he is credited with popularizing German shepherds as household pets and contributed to the early success of Warner Brothers. After his death in 1932, his lineage appeared in films as well. 

  • Bart the bear 

    • Kodiak Bear who starred in the 1989’s “The Bear”, Bart was a nearly 10-foot-tall bear trained by trainer Doug Seus. For decades he was the go-to bear of Hollywood. His works include “The Edge” with Anthony Hopkins, and “Legends of the Fall” with Brad Pitt. Bart passed away in 2000, Seus trained another bear he named Bart II for various projects including “Game of Thrones”. 

  • Buddy

    • Before he was the star of the “Air Bud” franchise, Buddy was discovered on an appearance of “Late Night with David Letterman” in 1991 as a “basketball obsessed” golden retriever. But before this, trainer Kevin DiCicco resourced Buddy as a stray. Film Producer Robert Vince got the idea for Air Bud from watching Buddy’s performance on Letterman. 

  • Jim the Raven

    • Credited in films such as “The Wizard of Oz”, and “It’s a Wonderful Life”, Jim the Raven, trained by Henry “Curley” Twiford, worked for MGM and was insured for $10,000. It is said that by 1950 the bird had over 1000 screen credits.

  • Messi

    • In recent day Hollywood, french border collie Messi is taking Hollywood by storm. He is most known for his recent breakout role as Snoop in “Anatomy of a Fall”. Messi won the 2023 Palm Dog Award at the 2023 Cannes Film Festival. Messi also attended the 2024 Oscar nominees luncheon with his fellow actors from “Anatomy of a Fall”. 

As we look back at some of the biggest animal talents in Hollywood, we look forward to the future of what’s to come. Interested in casting your next project, human or animal, contact us today

Written by Lauren Ulveling 


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