How to find background actors

When dreaming up your production, it may include a crowded mall, a packed concert, or a busy campus. Whatever the scene, you’ll need background actors to make your location convincing.

Here at Aura Casting, we take the stress of finding all the actors you’ll need. Keep reading to learn how we find the right people for your vision! 

Working with seasoned casting directors who have experience casting lead, supporting and background actors streamline the process and ensure that you’ll have the best people for the job. 

  • Databases.

    • Casting Directors have access to online databases filled with talented actors. Databases also allow casting directors to filter keywords or phrases into their searches. 

  • Local Talent Knowledge.

    • Familiarity with local acting communities and local talent can provide a word of mouth campaign and can easily spread to neighboring talent communities. 

  • Social Media.

    • With a following of prospective talent, social media is a tool casting professionals can utilize to spread word quickly and to a large quantity of people. 

  • Open Calls.

    • Holding open calls allows casting directors to audition a variety of talent such as comedians, dancers and anyone wishing to audition.

  • Networking.

    • Casting directors can work with agents, producers, directors and other industry professionals to find talent and experienced background actors.

Overall, casting directors play a crucial role in sourcing and selecting background talent for producers. We take the stress of it off your back, ensuring that talent is enhancing the authenticity of a project.

Reach out to us today to take your project to the next level! 

Written by Lauren Ulveling


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