Here at Aura Casting, we specialize in casting projects fully remotely.

Part of casting remotely is auditioning remotely, the most common way of doing this is through a self tape.

Keep reading to learn how you can ace your next self tape!

  1. Understand the Role.

    • When auditioning in any format, it’s necessary to have an understanding of the role. Read the audition materials and script thoroughly and have a concrete understanding of who it is you’re portraying. 

  2. Prepare your Environment.

    • Finding a quiet space with good lighting and minimal distractions is a basis of a good self tape. Make sure to triple check your background to ensure that it is clean and non-distracting.   

  3. Camera Setup.

    • Use a high quality camera or phone camera with the camera at eye level. You should also triple check that your face and upper torso are visible, in frame, in focus and centered. 

  4. Sound Check.

    • Good audio is another crucial element. Using a microphone can help with this as well as checking for background noise or echo. Always check your audio settings before you submit a tape.

  5. Rehearsal. 

    • Memorize your lines, practice how you want to deliver them, your tone of voice and most importantly, try to embody the character authentically and naturally. 

  6. Lighting Check.

    • Always look to make sure you’re lit correctly. Position yourself in a ray of light using either a window or artificial lighting to illuminate yourself evenly. You’ll want to avoid harsh shadows or backlighting. 

  7. Recording and Editing.

    • After you’ve set up for your self tape, it’s time to record! Don’t be afraid to record yourself several times, review them and then pick the best one. You should also edit out the beginning and ending of your self tapes so that you’re only submitting the requested material. 

  8. Submission.

    • Always make sure to read the submission requirements thoroughly. Ensure that you are submitting with correct file names and in the requested format.

By following these steps, you’ll be able to ace your next self tape! Interested in auditioning for us? Visit our talent page here

Written by Lauren Ulveling


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