how to cast voice actors

Finding the voice that brings your project to life may seem daunting, but that’s where Aura Casting comes in. 

Keep reading to learn some of the ways we find the voice of your project’s dream.

  1. Using Online Casting Platforms.

    • Using online casting platforms allows us to find agents and talent from all over, these platforms allow us to narrow a search to a specific location or search nationally.

  2. Working with Agencies.

    • As casting directors, we work closely with agencies and agents to reach out to talent to notify them of upcoming auditions. Contacting agents who work in the voiceover scene and who have rosters of experienced voice actors helps us match you with the best-suited actors.

  3. Social Media Usage.

    • The use of social media is a great new way us casting directors can discover new talent. Using platforms such as Instagram, Linkedin, X, and Facebook, we can not only post about upcoming auditions but also find and encourage talent to audition. 

  4. Attending Industry Events.

    • To keep our network growing we attend industry events to connect with voice actors, models, actors, and producers in local areas. 

These are just a fraction of the way we find voice-over actors who are ready to take your production to the next level. Reach out to us today to start your voice over search today!

Written by Lauren Ulveling


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