Finding talent can be an overwhelming part of a production, never fear, Aura Casting is here!

Here at Aura Casting, we work with your production to help leverage our expertise, networks, and resources to find you the best talent! 

We’ve compiled a list of how to work with a casting director to find the best people for your project!

  • Define your Project Needs

    1. Character Breakdowns

      1. Outlining and creating a breakdown featuring age, gender, physical, and other attributes for each role is a good way for casting directors to understand your visions for each role.

  • Choosing the Right Casting Directors

    1. Experience and Reputation

      1. Choosing a casting director with a proven track record and genuine passion for casting will make the casting experience a breeze.

  • Casting Strategies

      1. Discuss Goals

        1. Have a detailed discussion with the casting team about your character breakdowns, creating casting breakdowns, goals, and budgets that represent the talent you’re hoping to find.

  • Narrow Down Choices 

      1. Shortlist your selections

        1. Working with your casting directing to create a shortlist of the top candidates for each role to make the selection process easier.

These are just some of the ways working with a casting director can make your casting processes a breeze. Ready to see how it works? Reach out to us today! 

Written by Lauren Ulveling


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