5 Tips for Comedic Improv!

Hey there, performers!

Lemme ask you something — have you ever wanted to break into the hilarious (yet occasionally terrifying) world of comedy?

It’s a genre most actors want to dip their feet into at some point in their career. Well, I think we can all agree that improv can be one of the absolute best forms of comedy. Never tried it? Always wanted to get up on that improv stage? Never fear! Aura Casting’s here! Today, we’re unveiling 5 helpful tips for improv! So, let’s prepare to be spontaneous! ;)

Using improv in a commercial audition

1. Embrace the "Yes, And" Mindset

In the world of improv, the phrase "Yes, And" is like a golden rule. It means accepting whatever your scene partner offers and building upon it. Whether they suggest you're on a spaceship or in a bustling cafe, saying "Yes, And" allows you to dive headfirst into the scene and keep the momentum going. So, remember, the next time your scene partner says, "We're on Mars," don't hesitate to respond with, "Yes, and look, there's a Martian disco!"

2. Solo Practice Example!

Like any skill, improv takes practice. So, don't be discouraged if your first few scenes don't go as planned. Keep honing your craft, attending workshops, and performing whenever you can. The more you practice, the more comfortable and confident you'll become on stage. Some easy exercises can even be done on your own…so embrace the spontaneity and let’s play now! Are you ready? Pick an object in your surroundings. Got it? Now, speak aloud a word that your brain associates with your chosen object. After that word, simply keep saying whatever singular word pops into your brain that relates to the last. Simple enough and trains those quick thinking skills!

3. Listen Like Your Scene Depends on It (Because It Does!)

One of the most important skills in improv is active listening. Paying close attention to your scene partner's words, tone, and body language not only helps you stay in the moment but also provides valuable cues for how to respond. So, put those listening ears to work and watch your scenes come to life!

4. Don't Go for the Laugh

In the world of improv, there's often a temptation to go for the laugh—to deliver that perfect punchline or pull off a hilarious gag. And don't get me wrong, laughter is great—it's the lifeblood of improv, after all. But a skit cannot thrive off of solely laughter. An audience can sniff out a manipulated joke versus genuine authenticity. So don’t be afraid to contribute smaller moments which promote the objective of the scene and maintain pacing. You’ll be the true hero of the show! 

5. Trust Your Instincts

Improv is all about trusting yourself and your instincts. Whether you're playing a superhero or a talking banana, trust that your first impulse is usually the right one. Your gut instincts are like your improv compass, guiding you through the scene with confidence and conviction. So, trust yourself, take the leap, and let your creativity soar!

So, there you have it—five tips to help you level up your improv game. Remember, improv is all about having fun, taking risks, and supporting your fellow performers. So, go forth, unleash your creativity, and let the laughter begin!

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Written by Whitney Hisako Moore


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