Models Needed in the Wine Country - Our latest Lifestyle Casting

We loved casting this lifestyle campaign for Kenwood Inn that was beautifully captured by San Francisco Lifestyle Photographers Trinette + Chris. Here at Aura Casting, we are all about finding you talent that best represents your brand. With over 115 submissions, the sheer volume of talent and diversity made our job both challenging and enjoyable. Here are a few behind the scenes stories from this project and tips for aspiring models who want to stand out during the casting process.

Diversity and the Client's Vision

One of the first things we realized while sorting through the submissions was the incredible diversity in talent. Models from various backgrounds, ages, and ethnicities had graced us with their interest. This made the process all the more exciting, as we strived to find models that represented the brand's vision for inclusivity and authenticity.

The Importance of Previous Print Work

While reviewing the submissions, we noticed that certain models stood out due to their previous print work. It showcased their ability to deliver and perform in front of the camera. Aspiring models should always consider submitting their portfolio, including previous print work, to our team. It not only proves your experience but also gives our casting team a glimpse into your skills and confidence in the field.

The Power of a Headshot

A well-crafted headshot can make a significant difference in catching our attention during the casting process. It serves as a window into your personality, enabling us to envision how you would fit the brand's image. When submitting your headshot, ensure it accurately represents you and your unique qualities. Authenticity goes a long way in creating a lasting impression.

The Modern Twist: The Current Selfie

In an increasingly digital world, Aura is interested in seeing your most recent selfie. This quick snapshot offers insights into your current appearance, style, and personality beyond the carefully curated professional shots. It gives models an opportunity to make a connection with the casting team and allows us to gauge whether you possess the desired look for the campaign.

The Final Selections

After careful consideration, we narrowed down the submissions to a select group of models who most embodied the Kenwood Inn style. From the serene and sophisticated to the energetic and free-spirited, each model brought something unique to the table. It was truly a joy to see how so many talented individuals could be brought together to create a cohesive vision. And we had many, many more spectacular submissions that did not make the final cut this time around. We hope you’ll be back again to submit on the next one.

Thank you so much to everyone who submitted! To see more lifestyle projects that we’ve worked on, check out our stills page.


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