Corpartainment Interview with Amora Brown

We are pleased to share that Aura Casting, an online casting director team, recently had the pleasure of being interviewed by Amora Brown of Corpartainment. This incredible organization hosts frequent podcasts with artists, actors, and entrepreneurs. Check out their site!

We thought we’d share a Q & A from the podcast. Amora is asking, and Taylor is answering.

For people that want an active career, what can they do now to start building their resume?

If you’ve never acted before, and you are interested in an acting career, I would suggest people take six-twelve months to tackle the basics:

  • professional headshot, this is the very first impression you make to CD’s and agencies.

  • Join an acting classes and create content with a group of friends.

  • Rack up some quality content and then approach an agency. Once you are signed with an agency, they’ll send you auditions, either self tapes auditions or in person.

In general, people don't know what line of acting work they want until they experienced a wide range of projects. I’m outlining above is more the generic route - but once you find out that you want to be a circus performer, or you want to be on SNL, or you want to be in indie dramas, then you’ll pursue goals specific toward that acting niche. When actors are confused and don’t know what they want, it typically means they haven’t tried enough things.Get out there and get your feet wet!

Also, build your own resume today… don’t wait:

The notion of waiting to get cast in projects is obsolete, outdated, and lazy. No one should ever, if they can stomach it, be willing to wait for auditions. What I mean is, you are an actor in 2021 with so much available and affordable technology at your fingertips - go make the content yourself! You can cast yourself in a project TODAY. You keep auditions on the side, and always do them whenever your agent sends you a project, but simultaneously you fill your time and energy honing your craft, and that in turn increases your skill level, and increases your booking rate. It’s a zen state of mind that is required. When you can find that place within you, that calm, flexible state, then you are golden. It’s just a matter of time.

Aura Casting, how it is different from the other casting companies in the Bay Area? Who is it for?

We specialize our casting in commercial productions. For instance, there is a new app some startup just launched and they got their first bit of marketing spend, and they want to do a commercial, then we would work with them and find talent to meet their needs. 

We are different in that all of our auditions are online. Similar to a startup, we are disrupting the way traditional auditions have been conducted which is in a studio space. The pandemic is the major reason our company has legs- it has opened up a social acceptance and tolerance for the “WFH” movement - working from home, across all industries.

We are also different because we have an online registration database for talent. Talent can input their headshots, reels, and other stats. This enables our team to work efficiently and effectively when it comes to castings. It’s free to join, and it only takes about 15 minutes to complete.

Finally, we have a large emphasis on community. We want to help actors succeed. So whenever I have time, and an actor wants to call me and talk about their craft, no problem. And it doesn’t cost anything. Because more art in the world is just better, end stop. So I’m here to help when I can. 

What is a major piece of advice for the year 2021, something that you've noticed within the industry that has changed that actors should be aware of?

People are starting to listen to what is going on in the world. The pandemic has widened our consciousnesses. I see it in my work every week reflected in diversified casting. My advice would be- be bold in your truth. Storytelling is SO impactful. If you have a story to tell, tell it. We are taking down the walls of systemic oppression, and other injustices, and so now it is the time to let the light shine and do it with vigor. Whoever you are, love that person, and bring that person forward. So if you are a content creator, make original, bold content, and do it with confidence because the world has your back.


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