With so many different moving parts and jobs, you may find yourself unsure about what everyone on set does. Well, have no fear, in our new series “What Does a … Do?” we are breaking down all the roles that add up to a video production. 

Here at Aura Casting, we know first hand how it takes a village to create a production. On today’s docket, we’re diving into what a set decorator does. 

A set decorator is responsible for the look, vibe, decoration and design of a set. Keep reading below to learn more about the role they play on sets.

  1. Concept Development:

    • Working with the directors, producers, and the director of photography, a set decorator conceptualizes the vision for the mood and story being conveyed through the set. 

  2. Research:

    • Depending on the project, research may be needed. Research could include the time period, location, history and style relevant to the overall story.

  3. Budget Management:

    • Tracking and maintaining expenses for the set will also fall into the hands of the set decorator.

  4. Selection and Sourcing:

    • Finding, selecting, and sometimes making, furniture props and decorative items that will be used to dress the set. This is done through shopping, going to set warehouses, and crafting items.

  5. Set Dressing:

    • On the location and/or set, the set decorator decorates the set! This includes arranging and placing the items to create a believable lived in world that supports the narrative.

A set decorator plays a key role in pre-production and on set by bringing to life the world in which the narrative takes place. 

Written by Lauren Ulveling 


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