how commercial casting works

If there's one thing we know at Aura Casting, it’s how to cast!

But for those outside the entertainment / commercial industry, you may be asking, what does a casting director do anyway?

While casting directors often wear many hats, we’ve compiled a basic list of what casting directors can do for your next project! 

  1. Collaborating with a Production Team.

    • Collaboration is our bread and butter, just ask one of our many partnerships. We work closely with producers and directors to achieve the product of your dreams.  

  2. Creates an Understanding of the Project.

  • From working with producers, directors, and/or writers, a casting team works in tandem to have a complete understanding of the tone, vision, and characters in a project.

      3. Knowing Talent.

  • Casting directors rely on talent just like talent relies on casting directors. Casting professionals keep their thumb on the pulse of emerging and established talent. Using existing media, live events, and especially self-tapes to expand and refresh knowledge of talent.

       4. Conducting Auditions.

  • Knowing talent is just a part of the job, a casting director must know how to work with talent as well. Auditions can be held in various ways. Here at Aura, we specialize in self-tapes and virtual callbacks. Read more about the benefits of virtual casting here!

       5.  Supporting Emerging Talent.

  • We see talent from all walks of life, and we love it! The most gratifying part of our jobs is making the “You booked it!” call. We love seeing and supporting our talent in the finished product. 

And that’s just a sample of what casting professionals do! Ready to work with our esteemed casting team? Reach out and let’s work together to bring your project to life!

Written by Lauren Ulveling


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