check list for pre-production

Film production can seem daunting to begin, but breaking it down into three steps can make it easier to tackle a production!

The three areas of production are: pre-production, production and post production. Here at Aura Casting, we make it our job to assist you in the pre-production process. Keep reading to learn how to tackle pre-production.

A lot of filmmakers say that the film is made in the preproduction and that the more you do in “pre” the easier the shooting days and post production processes will be.

Step 1: Scriptwriting. 

Drafting, writing and refining a script for your production is typically always the first step in pre-production. Take your time with your script and don’t be afraid of making edits and several drafts.

Step 2: Storyboarding.

Using the written elements, storyboarding and shot lists are ways to visualize how the script will appear on screen.

Step 3: Budgeting.

Creating a budget and a schedule for a production can be broken down by creating lists of resources needed by the script and the storyboards.

Step 4: Location Scouting.

Reviewing and securing the location or locations of the production typically boil down to budget, permits and aesthetics. 

Step 5: Assembling Crew.

Creating a team of professionals such as gaffers, audio specialists, cinematographers and directors that can work well together is the secret recipe for a successful production.

Step 6: Casting.

Our specialty! Casting consists of matching the perfect people for the desired roles. Casting looks different for every production, some roles are filled by auditions and some are filled by special skills needed. Our team of talented casting professionals take this step off of your hands so you can focus on the rest of the production needs.

Step 7: Legalities.

Obtaining the necessary contracts and permits should happen in pre-production to avoid the potential of reshoots or having to start over.

Step 8: Rehearsals.

Depending on the type of production, rehearsals are a key element of pre-production. Rehearsal could include dance choreography, camera tests and/ or actor blocking.

A successful pre-production results into a successful production. Pre-production should serve as the road map for your production and should lay the foundation of the completed project.

Ready to work with us in pre-production? Contact us today to let us find you your perfect cast! 

Written by Lauren Ulveling


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