Elevating Your Acting Career: Materials Every Actor Needs

Elevate your acting career

At Aura Casting, we understand the high demands often thrust upon actors.

The relentless open calls, friends asking “So what’s next for you?”, and double-booked schedules. In this bustling industry where standing out is key it may feel like a monumental task to simply stay above water. But never fear, Aura is here!

Through providing services which make uploading auditions easier for actors and providing resources such as our blog, Aura is committed to helping you shine your brightest! Today, we’ll explore the tools you can use to showcase the dedication and talent we know you possess! Let’s jump in! 


Your headshot isn't just a picture; it's your first hello to casting directors and agents! Think of it as your friendly face in a crowded room. While selfies taken on your iPhone may suffice, investing in professional headshots which capture your essence offers casting directors a glimpse of the genuine you. Remember to keep it current, well-lit, and bursting with your unique essence! See some Bay Area headshot photographer recs here!


Your acting resume is like your own mini-storybook, showcasing your journey so far. It's where you get to highlight your experiences, skills, and training, painting a picture of your professional self. You can find helpful templates on Google Docs and may even include experiences such as scenes performed in acting class! Also, remember to include names of well-represented directors you may have worked with! Keep it snappy, organized, and easy to read – think of it as your elevator pitch on paper! 

Self-Tape Equipment

With auditions going digital, having the right self-tape equipment is your secret weapon. A good camera, microphone, lighting, and backdrop can transform your audition into a mini-masterpiece. Investing in top-notch gear lets you shine, even from the comfort of your own home. And don't forget to add a dash of editing magic to polish your tapes to perfection!

Nurturing Your Craft

In this ever-evolving industry, continuous learning is the name of the game. Whether it's through classes, workshops, community groups, or online resources, keep honing your skills and staying ahead of the curve. Practice makes perfect, so keep flexing those acting muscles and mastering the art of self-auditioning!

Remember, do not feel pressured to break the bank, many affordable options are out there, invest in quality, create your own audition oasis, and keep honing your craft – because your next big break could be just around the corner!

Want to get ahead of the curve and begin auditioning with Aura? Click here!

Written by Whitney Hisako Moore


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