When you’re working on a creative project, finding talented actors who are willing to take risks can be a game-changer. Artists bring a unique quality to their performances that can captivate viewers and breathe life into their characters. Here are Aura’s top tips to discover and engage with risk-taking actors.

Communicate Your Needs with Casting

When working with a casting agency, communicate any ideas, requirements or expectations that you may have about the roles. Let us know exactly what you’d like to see and what you don’t want to see - any and all info helps! This can help us determine what information an actor needs when they receive a self-tape request. It allows actors to understand the specific elements that you are seeking and they will tailor their auditions accordingly. Clear communication will ensure that you receive self-tapes that align with your vision, making the process more efficient and effective in finding the talented actors who can take risks and elevate your production.

Conduct Thorough Auditions

When conducting auditions, it's essential to create an environment where actors feel comfortable and encouraged to take risks. Allow ample time for actors to prepare and familiarize themselves with the material. During a Zoom callback, provide clear instructions, guidance, and feedback. Showcasing a sense of openness during this creative period will let actors explore different approaches and encourage them to take risks in their performances. Pay attention to actors who bring unexpected and captivating choices to their auditions - they just might be the perfect fit for the role.

Seek References and Recommendations from Casting

We’re here to help! We check in with past productions and remember how previously cast talent performed on set. We can offer advice and provide valuable insights into their work ethic, dedication, and willingness to experiment. We’re always willing to go the extra mile. Let us find you recommendations from our trusted filmmaker network!

Great performances come from actors who are willing to explore uncharted territory and challenge themselves. When you find actors who push boundaries and create unforgettable performances, you’ll be happy that you took the leap.

We’re here when you’re ready to add that extra spark to your next production. Ready to get started? Cast with Aura.


Aura Casting Founder, Taylor, joins the Casting Society of America!


What are the must haves for audition day?