Aura Casting was super fortunate to cast these folks on an upcoming campaign produced by the LEGEND Christine ‘Buzz’ Busby 🎉

Thanks to virtual casting, we’ve booked talent in 7 states (and counting!)

The key to online auditions?

  • Let the actors tell you about themselves! We’ve found that our actors are most natural on camera when chatting about a hobby or a recent vacation that they went on.

  • If you’d like to see some range, ask for multiple takes! The talent loves to get creative, and they can showcase your script with different emotions or levels of nuance.

  • When you’ve narrowed down your favorites, utilize Zoom callbacks to determine the final cast! Let the actors connect with each other to perform a scene and watch them adjust to your notes in real time.

Need casting expertise? Reach out to the Aura team today!


The Bay Area Film Mixer Oct. 10th, 2023


Actor Feature: Dawn Donohue