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Casting a film, particularly when faced with a tight schedule or a high volume of candidates, requires an efficient yet detailed process.

Casting actors may prove challenging when you must quickly sort through a large pool of submissions while ensuring you discover a high quality performance. Come along with Aura as we look through the best strategies to test a large number of actors efficiently!

1. Utilize Online Casting Platforms

Online casting platforms can significantly speed up the initial screening process:

  • Self-Taped Auditions: Requesting self-taped auditions allows actors to submit their performances remotely. This eliminates the need for initial in-person auditions and lets you review submissions at your convenience.

  • Advanced Search Filters: Here at Aura Casting, we offer advanced search filters and resources of our own to narrow down candidates based on specific criteria such as skills, appearance, and experience, streamlining the selection process.

2. Implement Pre-Screening Procedures

Pre-screening can help filter out unsuitable candidates early:

  • Submission Requirements: Ask for specific materials with each submission, such as headshots, resumes, and demo reels. This provides a quick overview of each actor’s experience and suitability.

  • Short Monologues: Request short monologues or scenes that can be quickly reviewed. This allows you to assess acting skills without spending too much time on each submission.

3. Conduct Virtual Auditions

Virtual auditions can save time and resources while allowing you to reach a wider pool of talent:

  • Video Conferencing Tools: Use platforms like Zoom, Skype, or specialized audition software to conduct live virtual auditions. This can help you assess an actor’s ability to take direction and interact in real time.

  • Group Sessions: Organize group audition sessions where multiple actors audition consecutively in a single video call. This reduces the setup time between auditions.

4. Streamline In-Person Auditions

For roles requiring in-person evaluation, streamline the process:

  • Scheduled Time Slots: Assign specific time slots for each actor to avoid long waiting times and ensure a smooth flow of auditions.

  • Efficient Check-In Process: Use digital check-in systems to manage actor arrivals and keep track of audition schedules.

  • Prepared Sides: Provide actors with sides (short script excerpts) in advance to minimize preparation time during auditions.

5. Group Callbacks

For roles requiring more in-depth evaluation, group callbacks can be an efficient way to test chemistry and dynamics:

  • Chemistry Reads: Conduct chemistry reads with multiple actors to see how they interact with potential co-stars. This is especially useful for roles involving close relationships.

  • Workshops: Organize short workshops where selected actors participate in group exercises, improv sessions, or scene work. This provides a more comprehensive assessment of their abilities and interactions.

6. Clear Criteria and Communication

Establish clear criteria and maintain effective communication throughout the process:

  • Defined Criteria: Set clear criteria for what you’re looking for in each role. This helps in making quick, consistent decisions.

  • Feedback Channels: Maintain open communication channels within the casting team to discuss impressions and make decisions efficiently.

7. Be Forgiving

Remember, actors are no different from you! Authentic individuals who are pursuing what they love, while maintaining a life outside of the industry. Be mindful of their time and energy! 

  • Inevitable Nerves: Nerves can certainly affect one’s performance, especially in a high pressure environment. If you still see something in an actor after a less than ideal performance, perhaps give them another chance

The casting process surely involves a surprising amount of strategic planning, efficient use of technology, and clear communication. However, by leaning on fellow collaborators and utilizing different resources as well as technology, you can ensure a productive casting process! Best of luck!

Want to see some of Aura’s casting adventures? Click here!

Written by Whitney Hisako Moore


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