Casting young talent can bring a fresh and vibrant energy to your film.

Here’s how to find those budding stars and create a positive, dynamic experience for everyone involved! So hop on and gain some tips from Aura!

How to cast kids in my next movie

Step 1: Dream Big and Define Your Characters

Start by imagining your characters in vivid detail. What makes them unique? Whether it’s a mischievous smile, a fearless attitude, or an extraordinary talent, paint a clear picture of who you're looking for.

Step 2: Understand the Legal Bits

Working with young actors comes with a few extra responsibilities, but don’t worry! It's all about ensuring their safety and well-being.

  • Work Permits: Make sure you’re up to speed on local laws and obtain the necessary work permits.

  • Studio Teacher: Hire a fantastic studio teacher who will not only keep your set compliant but also make learning fun for the kids.

Step 3: Spread the Word Far and Wide

Let the world know you’re searching for young talent!

  • Work with Aura: We’ll use our network to find you a wide range of quality options.

Step 4: Audition Time!

Time to see those young stars shine!

  • Pre-Screening: Go through headshots, resumes, and demo reels to get a sense of who might fit your vision.

  • Initial Auditions: Have the kids perform scenes from your script. Look for that spark that makes a character come alive.

  • Callbacks: Invite the top performers back to see how they handle more complex scenes and interact with other actors.

Step 5: Look for the Magic

You’re looking for more than just talent – you want authenticity and heart.

  • Emotional Range: Find actors who can tap into a wide range of emotions.

  • Authenticity: Seek out genuine performances that feel real and relatable.

  • Adaptability: Test how well they take direction and make adjustments.

Step 6: Chemistry Reads

Great films are made from great interactions!

  • Ensemble Casting: Check the chemistry between young actors and their on-screen partners.

  • Parent and Child Interaction: Make sure the family dynamics feel real and natural.

Step 7: Make the Final Call

Now comes the exciting part – choosing your cast!

  • Background Checks: Ensure everything is in order and that parents are comfortable with the arrangements.

  • Contract Negotiation: Work out the details to ensure everyone is on the same page.

Step 8: Create a Fantastic On-Set Experience

Happy actors make for a happy set!

  • Support System: Provide chaperones, studio teachers, and counselors to keep spirits high.

  • Flexible Scheduling: Balance filming with schoolwork and rest.

  • Positive Reinforcement: Celebrate their successes and encourage them every step of the way.

Extra Tips for Success

  • Workshops: Host fun acting workshops to help the kids prepare and bond.

  • Parental Involvement: Keep parents in the loop and engaged in the process.

  • Regular Check-Ins: Regularly touch base with your young actors to ensure they’re feeling good and staying motivated.

Casting youth actors can be an incredibly rewarding experience, infusing your film with energy and authenticity. By following these steps, you’ll not only find the perfect young stars but also create a positive, supportive environment where they can truly shine. Let the adventure begin! Wanna see more projects from Aura? Click here!

Written by Whitney Hisako Moore


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