5 Tips for Actors to Up Your Social Media Game
As a casting service, Aura Casting leverages social media for casting calls, community, and raising awareness of our brand. We have sometimes been asked what actors can do to accomplish something similar for themselves and their personal brand. How do actors establish and grow their footprint on social, and leverage it to their advantage? Below you’ll find a brief guide.
Where do I start?
If you don’t have a public professional social media presence yet and are just starting, don’t worry about maintaining a presence on every possible channel. Instead, we recommend focusing your energies on your IG account, because Instagram is so visual. You can choose to either make your personal account public if it isn’t already, or create a new account specifically for your acting career.
Who do I follow?
Follow and engage with other accounts that either are similar your account or are helpful to you. Be responsive to your DMs, network with people, and ensure that you are always professional and considerate. You never know who you might work with in the future, or what those connections made online could result in!
What do I share?
Share your wins. Got cool new headshots? Post them! Were you in a commercial that went live? Share the video! Booked a job that isn’t under NDA? Share that success! But feel free to share candids too. Your feed doesn’t have to be only “work.”
And don’t worry too much about being perfect. Your unique voice and perspective are valuable. If you have a strong personal brand already, that’s great. But it’s also absolutely fine to figure out your personal brand as you go, and maintaining a social media presence may even help you clarify the image and message you want to convey.
How active do I need to be?
Be consistent. Having a social media presence means being present! You get out of it what you put in. How often you post and how much time you spend interacting with other accounts depends on your goals, but aim to post at least a couple times a month and spend a couple hours over the course of the month interacting with your network.
What’s next?
Consider being a content creator. You’ll have opportunities to practice and hone your acting skills, and to learn more about video production and editing. The more versatile your skills are, the more career security you will ultimately have. And if your content is engaging and high-quality, you might even have opportunities to be paid for content creation.